Thursday, February 18, 2010

Issue #1-War Dollars

"The money for the war, federal funds, and national debt has vanished into thin air." Where has all the money gone?"

One current issue in the United States is that the budgeting system is horrible. Each year the president and congress make a budget for hundreds of federal programs. They then give the estimate to the Treasury to see how much tax revenue the Treasury will recieve. We give the congress the name "power of the purse," because they spend a great deal of money on a war that many people had a "clear dissatisfaction of." All of this money is coming the pocket of the people, billions of tax dollars have been given for the war. Why pay for a war that many American's believe is doing more harm then good? Due to many events happening, the start of World War 2, the 9-11 terrorist attacks, the stock market crash, and the world in a recession the U.S treasury has continously had to borrow money from other countries that we can't give back. We keep borrowing money for things that we dont need so much which is digging us deeper into a hole of National Debt. It is said that by the year 2017 the just the interest of the debt alone will be 1 trillion dollars! When is it time to close the purse of congress and stop opening the billfold of money when we can't pay it back, when we keep continuing to spend money we Do Not have.The commander in chief, also known as the president makes all the decisions when it come's to the war and America's battles. The new argument is that we should now bring the problem with war to the president and he/she should veto any war/irag policy to prevent worse outcomes. There are two viewpoints. One, people think that the war is doing more harm rather than for the good and that we are spending too much of our tax dollars for something that will continue in a downward spirling motion. Or two, that we should continue giving the money to help with the war because we are fighting for our countries freedom.

I believe that we do need to start spending our money better. The war has been going on now for 5 years and it continuously keeps getting worse, we keep losing soldiers, and money is coming out of our pockets for something we don't see it getting any better. It's also hard to determine what every single tax dollar is going when no one knows exactly where it is going to. It is America's freedom but when is enough, enough? Since when does the number of deaths of soldiers equal up to our freedom? I think we need to stop spending money because the National Debt keeps climbing up more, especially from past and present war dollars. This is where our money is going to now. Obama wants to spend lot's of money on things that can help us, yet where will we all be getting the money from when the money is all gone and we can no longer borrow any? A committee from Massachusetts also believs that we need to stop paying for things that aren't as important and to budget our money better. Many peoples viewpoins on war dollars:

Issue #2

Issue #3

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