Monday, April 19, 2010

10-year-old's pregnancy fuels Mexican abortion debate

A ten year old girl had been raped by her step-father and is not pregnant. This angered many people and fueld the Mexican abortion debate. A doctor said the birth isn't only risky for the baby but also for the mother. Her body isn't fully grown and doesnt have the hormones that an adult mother would need for the baby. The girls state allows abortion in the case of rape but the girl is too far along to do that.

I think that is horrible that a ten year old had been raped. I can see where this would cause many issues when it comes to abortion of the baby. The girl is just a baby herself. She doesn't have a fully grown body or fully grown anything for a healthy baby. This is a super hard topic to go about because there are many different sides to it. I think abortion is a horrible thing but many people think it's okay in the case of rape. Either way I feel it's always going to be a controversial issue for a very long time.

10-year-old's pregnancy fuels Mexican abortion debate.

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