Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jobs and Welfare

Issue #1-Issue number one explains how the higher class, middle class, and low class has such a gap between salary levels. People feel that it's such a huge gap and that it's such an unfair gap that it needs to be changed. The government along with the alot of people feel that we should increase taxes for the higher class, lower the taxes for the middle and low class, to even out the salary gap. By doing this it will even out the salary distribution, it will protect domestic jobs, maintain salary levels, and even create wealth ( make more jobs). Protetectionism is what goverment is trying to do. Globalization among all the countries is one other reason the government thinks there is such a huge gap among salaries. They think the federal government should limit or put restrictions on trade and Outsourcing Other critics think that if we do raise taxes that it will "stiffle economic growth thus hurt all workers."
I feel that in order to distribute wealth evenly that more taxes should be taken from the wealthier people and not as much as the middle class people. In a "perfect world" wealth would be distributed evenly among everyone. A "Universal Wealth." I think that in the perfect world people would be given their income just by the hard work that they do. (Political Opinion) William Domhoff had written the article, "Who rules America" and explains in it how he is amazed by how much of a difference there is between the salaries. He said its an extraordanary change among an average person and a CEO of a company when it comes to their wages. He also explains how we need to seperate the definitions of wealth and income. Yet, in reality the wealthiest people have the biggest income.

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