Thursday, March 25, 2010

Grieving mothers blame baby slings for infant deaths

Everyone knows that the birth of a child is a beautiful thing, that having a baby of your own is a miracle. In Lisa Cochran's case, her miracle days had shortly come to an end. As her and her mother were walking around town doing arons, Cochran had put her 7 year old baby in a baby carrier called "The Sling Rider." From the walk to the car she had noticed something different about her son--"He was not the right color. He was yellow. He had purple spots from where the sling rubbed marks on his face," said Cochran. By the time the ambulance had got there and they got to the hospital, they said they weren't able to save him. Cochran had filled a lawsuit on the company for her sons death. The company had told many people to stop using the Slingrider but said they wouldnt take any responsibility in the deaths. They were all recalled after 14 deaths of infants.
I feel that there shouldn't be 14 deaths of babies to realize that the product isn't a good one. Obviously no money in the world could replace the death of a child, yet it's super sad that this happened to not only Cochran but many other mothers. I also feel that people should learn a little more about newborn babies. The fact that they are super young and have no strenght or control with their head, you shouldn't have put them in one of these yet anyways. If the company put on the package for newborns, then it's their fault for this kind of stuff happening.

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