Thursday, March 25, 2010

Medical marijuana users risk job loss

"When a rare form of cancer invaded Joseph Casias' nasal cavity and his brain, his doctor prescribed marijuana to help alleviate the daily pain." This story describes how Joseph had been prescribed marijuana for his cancer from his doctor and that when he was given a drug test at Walmart and failed he was fired. He had a card that showed he could be using the medical marijuana yet he still lost his job. He had also never came to work high. He tried his hardest he said. "I was angry they did this to me because I always tried my best," "I want my job back. I thought I was part of the Wal-Mart family." Casias' had said. With Walmart they have to fire them even with the medical marijuana because it's drug use. They have a policy with no drug usage at all of any kind.
I feel that this is horrible! The fact that your given marijuana for your health and how you lose your job. What should this guy do? Not take this marijuana just so he can make a living for himself yet die because he needed the job but couldn't get better. I feel it's wrong that they fired him for medical use or marijuana but in the same sense they can't not fire him and then fire someone who did smoke marijuana just because.

Medical Marijuana users risk job loss

1 comment:

  1. I also did this topic, i completly agree with you. I feel like this would be a very hard thing to put limits on. When working for a company who has a strict no drug policy, and that person comes to work high, how is the compnay supposed to say that its fine for one person and not the other. I think that this could cause many problems in the job place.
