Wednesday, June 2, 2010

At least five dead in UK shooting spree

This article says how a man, Derrick Bird, had gone on a shooting spree in england the other day. This man had injured 25 people and had killed 5 other. When the police had the search they had found Bird in the alley shot and dead. When Derrick Birds friend came forward he had said that Bird said "You won't see me again." The shootings spread across 3 english towns. They believe that the body they have found is Derrick Birds.
I dont understand why a man would randomly start killing people. In china when asked why they shot innocent people they said it was their love lifes. In this case would it be the same? Bird had two sons, each moved away from home and him and his wife were divorced. Lately it seems that all the random killings of innocent people is due to love problems. What makes it worse is that alot of the murderers kill themselves so they don't have to deal with the consequences. I think it's extemely dumb people that can't deal with the consequences from their actions. I think if they are stupid enough to do things like that we need to find them FAST so they have to deal with what they've done.

Five dead in UK Site

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nevada man convicted of raping, strangling college student

A man in Nevada was convicted of raping and killing a teenage girl. "He was also convicted of two counts of sexual assault for attacks on two other women. He was also convicted of one count of kidnapping related to one of those attacks." This man is sick because he would go on campus and threaten these girls with a gun, rape them, then take their underwear with him. This case had caused a flurry in the media and when detectives matched the DNA sample to Biela his defense attorney challenged that the DNA test was not accurate.
When it comes to stuff like this I believe not only is something wrong in this guys head but maybe something had happened to him while he was growing up for him to do these things. I don't get why he would take peoples underwear after raping them, maybe to confuse detectives or get rid of some sort of evidence. This case is extremely wrong and yet confusing. Also you would think that if this man was accused of doing all of those things themn why wouldn't he be put into jail and not let out every time to do something. Or why wouldn't those women speak up until now?

Man convicted of raping a college student site.

Fisherman files restraining order against BP

Workers in shrimp boats have been complaining about aches and pains due to the oil spills in the ocean. Due to the oil spills a man, John Wunstell Jr., had said he had been paid by BP to use his boat to help with the oil spill in the ocean. He started having minor headaches and nasal irritation. Within' the next week he began having random nose bleeds and aches in his stomach. Wunstell asks "BP to give the workers masks and not harass workers who publicly voice their health concerns." Following that week 7 more men had been sent to the hospital that were on his crew. When wunstell was put into the hospital he had said that he was stripped of his clothing and washed several times before he could enter the hospital. When he asked for his clothing they said BP confiscated them.
I think that it's extremely tragic that this oil spill happened. If you talk to people in Norway this is a huge deal to them. When it comes to the United States it seems as if we dont care too much about it. It's extremely sad to see all the animals dieing from this oil spill and now that people are getting sick from it. I think we need to educate people more on the oil spills to show that it is a huge problem that we need to fix and that we need to prevent from happening.

Oilspill Site!

Gunman kills 3 judges in China court

In china the other day a Man had wounded three people, had killed three judges then had killed himself. Khu Jun had a child, lived with his parents, and had divorced his wife. The police say the reason for him killing all of the judges was because he wasn't given or awarded with fairness in his trial when him and his wife had gotten a divorce.
I think this is extremely ridiculous how each day in china more and more people are being killed. first it's a bunch of little kids within' one week and now it's judges? Many people say that China is going to take over someday and is this what we want it to become? In a sense i am stereotyping because not all people from China are massive killers, but in a sense what is making all these people take out a shot gun and kill many innocent people.

Gunman kills 3 judges site

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Malawi gay couple jailed for indecency, unnatural acts

The article on CNN says that a gay couple had been arrested and sentenced 14 years in jail for what people considered "gross indecency and unnatural rights" after an engagement party." They had been arrested because in Africa gay marriage is against the law. Activists in Malawi say "Article 20 of the countries constitution--which outlaws discrimination--is being violated." When this was interviewed the country said they have no law that criminalizes sexual orientation , just certain sexual acts."
I think that people need to be more educated on the sexuality of the same gender. Why is it such a big deal to be with a person of the same sex. Love is love to me. If a man and a woman love someone and are very happy people think that is okay. So what is wrong with two men or two women being just as happy and it NOT being okay? I think that if people have a problem with gay marriage or gay intamacy they should be asked why they have such a problem with it? A law and a 14 year jail sentance isn't fair at all just to love someone of the same sex.

Malawi gay couple jailed link.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Children Injured in a China school attack.

A man had walked into a school with a hammer and had injured 5 of the children in the class. He then after had poured gasoline all over himself and grabbed two of the children. Teachers managed to get the kids free. He lit himself on fire, committing a classroom suicide. This week also 2 other attacks had happened. On thursday 28 students were injured in east china, the man had brough in a knife and attempted killing all 28 of the kids. A prior day 18 more kids had been attacked with a man and a knife.
I think there is no reason to be randomly wanting to hurt or kill kids. What is the point behind it? Why did these people do it? One man said it was because of his love life and how it wasn't going good. Why is that any reason to be killing or trying to kill 28 kids. I can't wait until the trials of these come up because I'm sure everyone wants to know the reason to why these people went into the school and wanted to hurt these kids. Hopefully they get a long sentance or a big one. I'm sure if this would be taken lightly it would make many people extremely angry.

Children Injured in a China school attack.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jobs and Welfare

Issue #1-Issue number one explains how the higher class, middle class, and low class has such a gap between salary levels. People feel that it's such a huge gap and that it's such an unfair gap that it needs to be changed. The government along with the alot of people feel that we should increase taxes for the higher class, lower the taxes for the middle and low class, to even out the salary gap. By doing this it will even out the salary distribution, it will protect domestic jobs, maintain salary levels, and even create wealth ( make more jobs). Protetectionism is what goverment is trying to do. Globalization among all the countries is one other reason the government thinks there is such a huge gap among salaries. They think the federal government should limit or put restrictions on trade and Outsourcing Other critics think that if we do raise taxes that it will "stiffle economic growth thus hurt all workers."
I feel that in order to distribute wealth evenly that more taxes should be taken from the wealthier people and not as much as the middle class people. In a "perfect world" wealth would be distributed evenly among everyone. A "Universal Wealth." I think that in the perfect world people would be given their income just by the hard work that they do. (Political Opinion) William Domhoff had written the article, "Who rules America" and explains in it how he is amazed by how much of a difference there is between the salaries. He said its an extraordanary change among an average person and a CEO of a company when it comes to their wages. He also explains how we need to seperate the definitions of wealth and income. Yet, in reality the wealthiest people have the biggest income.

Monday, April 19, 2010

10-year-old's pregnancy fuels Mexican abortion debate

A ten year old girl had been raped by her step-father and is not pregnant. This angered many people and fueld the Mexican abortion debate. A doctor said the birth isn't only risky for the baby but also for the mother. Her body isn't fully grown and doesnt have the hormones that an adult mother would need for the baby. The girls state allows abortion in the case of rape but the girl is too far along to do that.

I think that is horrible that a ten year old had been raped. I can see where this would cause many issues when it comes to abortion of the baby. The girl is just a baby herself. She doesn't have a fully grown body or fully grown anything for a healthy baby. This is a super hard topic to go about because there are many different sides to it. I think abortion is a horrible thing but many people think it's okay in the case of rape. Either way I feel it's always going to be a controversial issue for a very long time.

10-year-old's pregnancy fuels Mexican abortion debate.

Delaware pediatrician faces more sex charges

Dr. Bradley of Delaware had been convicted of more sex charges, to be exact 58 more sex charges. This man has been accused of 471 felony counts, he had sexual encounters with over 100 girls and one boy. The defense lawyer in this case says it's due to the doctors mental health. "The issue in this case is going to come down to his mental health at the time," said
Eugene Mauer Jr.
I think that this is horrible. Most kids are scared the way it is to go to the doctor. The other kids that aren't afraid to go to the doctor trust the doctor not to hurt them. This man should be accused of rape of the kids and have it blamed on his mental health. Doctors shouldn't be in the medical field if their mental health isn't stable anyways. Is there some sort of test they must go through to test their mental health along with all the other things. If so, how did someone pass this guy on that test and let him move on to medical school?

Delaware pediatrician faces more sex charges.

Friday, March 26, 2010

At least 11 killed in Kentucky wreck

A truck had crashed in Kentucky the other day, killing 11 people, including the driver. The driver in the truck trailer had gone over the median and hit the van of most of the 11 people that had died. This makes you think, maybe we need more money for the roads, to make concrete medians so this wouldn't happen.

I think that this is super scary. One time when I was on the interstate a Semi-Truck had came into our lane and we had to drive in the median/grass because we had no time to slow down or speed up. I think it's super tragic that 11 people had died in this car accident. It's scary to think this could happen to anyone. Hopefully this will show that we need better medians or should hook up trailers better.

At least 11 killed in Kentucky wreck

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Medical marijuana users risk job loss

"When a rare form of cancer invaded Joseph Casias' nasal cavity and his brain, his doctor prescribed marijuana to help alleviate the daily pain." This story describes how Joseph had been prescribed marijuana for his cancer from his doctor and that when he was given a drug test at Walmart and failed he was fired. He had a card that showed he could be using the medical marijuana yet he still lost his job. He had also never came to work high. He tried his hardest he said. "I was angry they did this to me because I always tried my best," "I want my job back. I thought I was part of the Wal-Mart family." Casias' had said. With Walmart they have to fire them even with the medical marijuana because it's drug use. They have a policy with no drug usage at all of any kind.
I feel that this is horrible! The fact that your given marijuana for your health and how you lose your job. What should this guy do? Not take this marijuana just so he can make a living for himself yet die because he needed the job but couldn't get better. I feel it's wrong that they fired him for medical use or marijuana but in the same sense they can't not fire him and then fire someone who did smoke marijuana just because.

Medical Marijuana users risk job loss

Grieving mothers blame baby slings for infant deaths

Everyone knows that the birth of a child is a beautiful thing, that having a baby of your own is a miracle. In Lisa Cochran's case, her miracle days had shortly come to an end. As her and her mother were walking around town doing arons, Cochran had put her 7 year old baby in a baby carrier called "The Sling Rider." From the walk to the car she had noticed something different about her son--"He was not the right color. He was yellow. He had purple spots from where the sling rubbed marks on his face," said Cochran. By the time the ambulance had got there and they got to the hospital, they said they weren't able to save him. Cochran had filled a lawsuit on the company for her sons death. The company had told many people to stop using the Slingrider but said they wouldnt take any responsibility in the deaths. They were all recalled after 14 deaths of infants.
I feel that there shouldn't be 14 deaths of babies to realize that the product isn't a good one. Obviously no money in the world could replace the death of a child, yet it's super sad that this happened to not only Cochran but many other mothers. I also feel that people should learn a little more about newborn babies. The fact that they are super young and have no strenght or control with their head, you shouldn't have put them in one of these yet anyways. If the company put on the package for newborns, then it's their fault for this kind of stuff happening.

HealthCare Blog

The new healthcare bill was put into place by Obama the other day and it will cost about 1 trillion dollars. When it comes to the healthcare bill I feel that not everyone will have the money and funds to have it. Many people say that it will be cheap to access it but what exactly is cheap to every single person in America? I think people should be able to choose whether they want healthcare or not, I also think it's ridiculous how there will be a fine if you don't get healthcare. So either way your paying out of your pocket. I would have to say that I'm not positive what my decision would be when it comes to the new healthcare bill. I feel it will be good because more people will go to the doctor when sick. But i feel it will be bad because it's a lot of money towards more debt and not everyone will be able to afford it. Also, the riches taxes will go up to pay for the people who cannot afford it. I feel we're making progress but yet our rights are being played with when we're forced to get healthcare.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wounded pilot evacuates casualties in Afghanistan

This story was very interesting to me, it's about a pilot who had been struck in the head by a bullet and still managed to get everyone off of his aircraft safely. The pilot and a crew from the Discover Channel had been shooting for a show that showed battle machines. As they were filming the pilot had been shot and without any of them knowing they were in the middle of a battle. "There was a battle going on. On the way in we could never have imagined it would become this kind of mission." Brewer had said. The co-pilot had said that Ian wouldn't let go of the controllers of the aircraft, even with blood running down his face and through his eyes.
I think this shows a very great sense of bravery, courage, and honor. Despite the pilots injury he still managed to get everyone to safety. This in a sense though scares me quite a bit because more and more stuff has been happening with the war. How more and more people are dying, it's extremely sad that this would happen. It's also very scary because I know many people that are in aviation training now and this could happen again. It's good to know though that we have good trained soldiers/pilots as this article proves.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Abducted Infant, Found!

A 19 year old teenager had abducted a baby from it's home, She was posing as a investigator and told the parents that if they didn't hand the baby over that he would call the police. The police had said that the parents had taken the child to the hospital and that later that night they had noticed a woman following them from the hospital all the way to their house. The woman had then showed up at their door and said she was also a part of "The Department of Children and Families" and gave evidence that convinced the parents that she was part of that department. The parents found it to be suspicious and called the police. The police and mother had said " without the fingerprint, finding her "would have been much more difficult." The baby is now back home with it's parents.
I think that something like this is horrible. Kidnapping a child from it's home. It makes you wonder what if they hadn't gotten that fingerprint..then how would that child grow up without it's real parents. It's sad that these thing's happen and maybe we need a system that somehow would prevent this kind of stuff from happening.

Abducted Infant, Found!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Veteran saves lives in Plane crash. (Austin, Texas)

A man that normally replaces windows for a living, Robin Dehaven, also an army veteran had saved many lives from a tragic plane crash. It is said that the pilot intentionally meant to crash into the building with passangers on board and 200 people inside of the building. "The people were kind of in a panic, wanting to get out quickly, of course, so I climbed up into the building with them," Dehaven said. Dehaven said that his clear mind and calmness helped him greatly with the rescue. Though many people were panicked most got out safely, including the 5 that Dehaven had rescued with a ladder on the top floor. 13 people were injured and 2 people's remains were found.
I believe that this is a Very heoric story. It's scary though to think that we have more planes crashing into building, especially after the 9-11 attack. This scares me and possibly other people on what other things could happen in the future, if all this is happening 9 years later, what could happen then years from now? I belive Dehaven used his skills greatly and officiently that he used in the Army during this event. It helped everyone stay calm and helped with panic as mostly everyone out of the building. I think more people need to be like the "true texan" as Dehaven says and have more selfless acts of heroism.

"Veteran saves lives in Plane crash. (Austin, Texas)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Issue #1-War Dollars

"The money for the war, federal funds, and national debt has vanished into thin air." Where has all the money gone?"

One current issue in the United States is that the budgeting system is horrible. Each year the president and congress make a budget for hundreds of federal programs. They then give the estimate to the Treasury to see how much tax revenue the Treasury will recieve. We give the congress the name "power of the purse," because they spend a great deal of money on a war that many people had a "clear dissatisfaction of." All of this money is coming the pocket of the people, billions of tax dollars have been given for the war. Why pay for a war that many American's believe is doing more harm then good? Due to many events happening, the start of World War 2, the 9-11 terrorist attacks, the stock market crash, and the world in a recession the U.S treasury has continously had to borrow money from other countries that we can't give back. We keep borrowing money for things that we dont need so much which is digging us deeper into a hole of National Debt. It is said that by the year 2017 the just the interest of the debt alone will be 1 trillion dollars! When is it time to close the purse of congress and stop opening the billfold of money when we can't pay it back, when we keep continuing to spend money we Do Not have.The commander in chief, also known as the president makes all the decisions when it come's to the war and America's battles. The new argument is that we should now bring the problem with war to the president and he/she should veto any war/irag policy to prevent worse outcomes. There are two viewpoints. One, people think that the war is doing more harm rather than for the good and that we are spending too much of our tax dollars for something that will continue in a downward spirling motion. Or two, that we should continue giving the money to help with the war because we are fighting for our countries freedom.

I believe that we do need to start spending our money better. The war has been going on now for 5 years and it continuously keeps getting worse, we keep losing soldiers, and money is coming out of our pockets for something we don't see it getting any better. It's also hard to determine what every single tax dollar is going when no one knows exactly where it is going to. It is America's freedom but when is enough, enough? Since when does the number of deaths of soldiers equal up to our freedom? I think we need to stop spending money because the National Debt keeps climbing up more, especially from past and present war dollars. This is where our money is going to now. Obama wants to spend lot's of money on things that can help us, yet where will we all be getting the money from when the money is all gone and we can no longer borrow any? A committee from Massachusetts also believs that we need to stop paying for things that aren't as important and to budget our money better. Many peoples viewpoins on war dollars:

Issue #2

Issue #3

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Milkshake Murderer!"

They call her the "milkshake murderer " because she had slipped drugs into her husbands milkshake right before she had murdered him. She had trial in Hong Kong and she had said that she had killed him in self-defense. Also, she had abused drug and alcohol which had made her a very violent person. She demanded a retrial and felt life in prison wasn't fair for her defending herself. I feel that it's ridiculous that she gets a retrial after there is evidence that she had slipped drugs into his milkshake. Why would anyone do that to defend themselves? It also states in the article that when she abused drugs and alcohol she became more violent. Maybe he was trying to defend himself rather than the other way around. What I also don't get is if she killed her husband in self-defense then why did she hide his body in their storeroom ( wrapped in towels, in a sleeping bag, and rolled up in a carpet.) Why didn't she call the police to tell them that she had killed him because she was trying to defend herself. My opinion, retrial=she's COMPLETELY guilty.

"MilkShake Murderer!"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2 people die from car running into a casino!?

2 men have died due to an elderly man running into the Edgewater Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. 5 people altogether including the driver had all been taken to the hospital. It's said that the elderly man had crashed into the casino due to a "medical episode." To me this article shows why there is such conflict about what age elderly people should have their license. I think maybe we do need to pass a law about this and then maybe make it so if they need a ride somewhere we have bus or transportation for them. Although it's teenagers and elderly people that are the one's getting in the most car accidents. Does this mean we should take teenagers drivers license away too if we also take away the elder's license. To me this could go many different ways. 1. We could create transportation for them yet, this doesn't give them much privacy or freedom. Yet it creates more jobs and keeps elderly from driving and accidents. 2. If we take their license away should we take teenagers license too? Since we are in just as many accidents as the elderly people are?

"2 people die from car running into a casino!?"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haitis Survival Stories

There are survivors! So far 121 people have been pulled out of the rubbel from the Haiti earthquake. The 7.0 quake was expected to kill lots to almost all the people. Dehydration and no access to food was a concern. Monley, a doctor that was interviewed said that you a person can go up to 10, 12, 13 days without food without really having a problem." Due to the long period of time without water and food many different medical problems have occured throughout the survivors. Some problems they have found are they have electrolyte abnormalitites, organ disfunction and their kindneys start to slow down. One thing I thought was very interesting is how they are so dehydrated that when you have to rehydrate them you must do it in a slow process. Dr. Monley had said that " If you rapidly rehydrate them, the body gets overwhelmed and more harm is caused." I think it's amazing how there are survivors to come out of this tradgedy. I think it's even more amazing that people are donating money, it's amazing that everyone is willing to help out Haiti. Our school is also helping out with the donations by selling T-shirts to students at lunch time. It's an extremely good cause.

"Haitis Survival Stories"